Why should I become a part of the SKSC?
The South Kitsap Soccer Club is committed to developing a love for the game of soccer in our players, coaches, referees, and parents. We strive to develop not only the athletic ability of our players, but their technical, tactical and social mastery of the sport.
But we are not just about developing great soccer players. Our focus is upon developing the next generation of individuals who will become leaders in their community and be positive examples of character and sportsmanship.

We are dedicated to developing and transforming well-balanced individuals into successful, well trained and disciplined soccer players. We do this through teaching the technical, tactical, physical and psychological aspects of the game in an inspirational environment where creativity, innovation, confidence and teams thrive.

We work hard to develop the next Jordan Morris among our ranks... but equally important to us is developing the next coach, referee, parent, or supporter who is committed to changing our community for the better!
SKSC offers both recreational and premier programs, and we provide a high quality program at an affordable cost.
Recreational programs will provide players with uniforms and a soccer ball, quality coaching and training, and a fall-season including 10 competitive games within the Olympic Peninsula. Fees for recreational programs are competitive with other local programs.
SK United, the club's premier program, provides players with three phases of competition during the year. The summer tournament season involves a number of incredible tournament offerings. Fall season includes a 10-game season with games throughout Western Washington, against top-level clubs, and the year ends with a spring league season of 8-games. Fees for the program include everything except the uniform kit, and our cost to value ratio is exceptional when you look at other similar options.

South Kitsap Soccer Club (SKSC) is located in Port Orchard, Washington, and is affiliated with US Youth Soccer (through membership in the Northwest Sound Youth Soccer Association (NSYSA), a member of Washington State Youth Soccer. SKSC is also affiliated with US Club Soccer. Our premier teams play with the Puget Sound Premier League. SKSC has been serving the Kitsap community, providing its members with organized soccer programs since 1975.

The South Kitsap Soccer Club is committed to fair and open communication in regards to the business of the Club. We will proactively seek review and improvement of our methods, processes and actions while we listen and learn from others within our membership, our local soccer community and the global family of passionate soccer players and coaches.
In SK United, the premier program at SKSC, we desire to provide a high-quality competitive training and play experience, without a ridiculous financial burden. With the cost of many competitive soccer programs reaching into the THOUSANDS of dollars, kids are simply being priced out of the opportunity to play at higher levels. We work VERY hard to minimize costs through the generous contributions of sponsors and complete transparency in our finances.
Our current league fee is $1100. Outside of this fee, the only other fee you will need to pay will be the cost of your player’s uniform kit (which is approximately $140.00). The league fee covers the cost of year-round play at several summer tournaments, and both fall and spring league soccer. Our coaches are all volunteer, but that doesn’t mean than they are not of the highest quality. Our coaches have years of experience in coaching soccer and other youth sports, and are required to obtain a minimum of a United Soccer Coaches 11v11 Diploma. Your league fee also includes practice jerseys and specialized training programs.
We strongly believe there is a place for every child who desires to play soccer in some facet of our Club. We strive to provide as many opportunities to play soccer as possible. We do not close the door on any chance for a child who wishes to interact with a soccer ball, teammates and have fun enjoying a healthy active experience.
We take full responsibility for our actions. We demonstrate our integrity when we can and will always work through disagreements with honesty, respect and consideration for others. We honor our commitments and we accept responsibility for our actions. We are committed to being fair with our players, parents, opponents, referees, other clubs, associations and governing organizations.