Parents and Players:
SKSC's field use agreements require that we abide by the rules for field usage that are set out by the respective authorities. This means that ALL of the following rules must be enforced at ALL practices and games:
No pets are allowed on the fields, or on the adjoining surfaces (track, sidelines, spectator areas).
No tobacco products or vaping.
For turf fields, only water is allowed on the playing surface, and no spikes or other implements that can puncture the playing surface are allowed.
Violations of the rules can result in a game cancellation, our expulsion from the field(s), or the loss of future field usage. Please remember we are guests at these facilities and do you best to honor the rules and pick up any trash upon leaving.

Soccer playing fields are provided to our club and our soccer programs courtesy of the South Kitsap School District. All SKSC Recreational home games are played on grass fields.
Current school fields used by the club include:​
Marcus Whitman Middle School - 1887 Madrona Drive
Orchard Heights Elementary - 2288 Fircrest Drive SE
Sedgwick Middle School - 8995 SE Sedgwick Road
Sunnyslope Elementary - 4183 Sunnyslope Road SW
Olalla Elementary School - 6100 SE Denny Bond Blvd
Hidden Creek Elementary - 5455 Converse Road SE
EPO Elementary - 1964 Hoover Ave SE
Cedar Heights Middle School - 2020 Pottery Ave
Burley Glenwood Elementary - 100 SW Lakeway Blvd
Sidney Glen Elementary - 500 SW Birch Road
Manchester Elementary - 1901 California Ave E
Retsil (aka Veterans Memorial Field) 985 Retsil RD SE
Allocated for: SK United Practices
NO PETS are allowed on School District or County Athletic Fields. Please leave your animals at home during games and practices. You will be asked to leave the area with the animal.
COACHES - Ensure ALL goals at ALL school properties are stored and locked nightly at the farthest fence line!